What is involved in Refinancing?
Refinancing made easy
The thought of refinancing can be daunting but switching for a better interest rate or specific feature, can actually save you thousands of dollars each year. It really only takes about 1 - 2 hours of your time to complete all of the necessary tasks & we do try to make it as simple as possible for you.
Here are some ways we have managed to streamline the process for you.
Video or Phone Meetings
Getting to a meeting can be difficult, especially when you have kids, work or a FIFO partner. We offer our clients several options to work around your busy schedules. You can come to our office if you prefer, or you can choose to book in a video or phone meeting at a time that suits you. Our simple online booking system allows you to choose the type of meeting you want, at a time and day of your choosing.
Client Portal
After your initial meeting, you will be invited to our Client Portal. Our Client Portal is one of the most advanced on the market today. Not only does it allow easy communication between yourselves and your broker, but you can also see exactly where your application is up to. You can use the portal to upload documentation, download paperwork and leave notes for your broker. You are never left wondering what stage your application is at.
Forget about spending hours completing paperwork. All of our forms are pre-filled for you based on the information you have given us and all that will be required is a signature.
Wherever possible, we use electronic signatures. You will receive an email to say the document is ready to sign. You can sign the document on your computer or your phone instantly anywhere, anytime. All documents are stored in a secure cloud storage service with advanced encryption and two-factor authentication.
No need to go into a branch, we use a secure service that allows you to log in to your online banking and have your statements retrieved and automatically sent to us. It is provided by an Australian company and it takes less than 30 seconds.BankStatements is independently designed and vetted by world-class security experts to ensure the highest levels of data protection and security.
On the Spot Credit Score Reporting
Sometimes you may have concerns about your eligibility to apply for a loan. This may be due to loss of employment in the past, getting into too much debt or extenuating circumstances such as a divorce or bankruptcy. We can do on the spot credit reports so that you know exactly where you stand right from the start. We will also work with you to turn your score around as quickly as possible to ensure you can present the best possible application.
3rd party Authorities
We understand that obtaining tax returns if you are self-employed can be tedious. We offer our clients a simple solution by using 3rd party authorities to liaise directly with your accountant to collate the documentation that we need for your application.
Internet Banking
The final step in the process can also be the most overwhelming. To take the stress out of refinancing, we offer a post-settlement meeting to assist with setting up your Internet banking once the settlement is complete and redirecting your direct debits and automatic payments.